Ride to Care Ambulance Service Capacity Challenges
Interview Findings, Updated June 11, 2024
The Ride to Care program is part of the Medicaid transportation benefit for Health Share of Oregon members through the Oregon Health Plan. Non-emergency ambulance service is a service within this program that people use when they need to be transported to a medical appointment lying down with medical support during the trip.
CareOregon, a health insurer, oversees the Ride to Care program on behalf of the Coordinated Care Organization Health Share of Oregon.
In 2020, CareOregon contracted with three organizations to form a collaborative framework model, prioritizing partnership and operational expertise of each organization to support the Ride to Care benefit program. CareOregon retains oversight related to Health Share of Oregon's Medicaid and Oregon Health Plan regulatory obligations. The entire partnership collaborates to share decision making on NEMT benefit services and operations beyond each partner's contracted role. The partnership includes CareOregon, Ride Connection, Comtrans, and Transdev.
The Ride to Care program services members living in the tri-county region: Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties.
The Ride to Care program has encountered limited ambulance capacity, prompting Health Share, CareOregon, and partners to invest in solutions. This story map highlights findings from interviewing stakeholders to encourage discussion among decision makers.
This final story map version includes results from a survey that was in the first working draft released on April 30, 2024 . Thank you to those who contributed your feedback!
About This Exploration
This story map presents highlights of interview findings about non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) ambulance capacity challenges affecting the Ride to Care benefit program. These are challenges that affect Health Share members who need to use a non-emergency ambulance for transport to and from health care appointments. People need ambulance rides when it's not an emergency if they have to travel in a reclined or prone position and need medical care during the trip. The difference between an emergency (911) use of ambulance and a non-emergency ambulance ride (NEA) is that the condition is not a sudden, unexpected situation that creates a medical crisis requiring emergency medical services and immediate transportation (see 410-136-3000 ).
This story map is a companion summary to the full NEMT ambulance capacity interview findings report (download report here: Ho and Cicolani, 2024 ). The aim of this story map is to support dialogue about ongoing changes to improve the Ride to Care program's ambulance service. The first version was released on April 30, 2024 and was up for three weeks to give people time to fill out a survey at the end. This final version includes feedback interviewed stakeholders provided through the survey at the end. Please share it with colleagues who help make decisions that affect non-emergency or emergency medical transportation.
In the summer of 2023, Ride Connection (RC) analysts sought a clearer understanding of barriers to on-time and available ambulance rides in the Ride to Care program that have been happening for a long time but became more prominent during the covid19 shut down of 2020. Ride Connection is the network manager and handles administration of member reimbursement and public transit fare distribution in the Ride to Care program. This role includes addressing challenges with capacity in any of the different transportation services, including ambulance service. NEMT involves many decisions from many different actors, each with an understanding of their unique role. Ride Connection analysts conducted interviews in the winter of 2023 to 2024 to gather these different perspectives. Ride Connection analysts asked stakeholders to confirm and expand understanding of challenges in providing non-emergency ambulance rides in the Ride to Care program. Ride Connection analysts conducted confidential interviews of forty four stakeholders from 22 teams, of 21 organizations with expertise in one or more areas of NEMT. Interviewed groups included:
- "Direct" stakeholders - the people who order, schedule, dispatch, receive, and provide ambulance rides in the Ride to Care program. This includes hospitals, dispatch, ambulance providers, skilled nursing facilities, etc.
- "Brokerage" stakeholders - representatives from nearby OHP transportation networks that send folks to the tri-county region who may face similar, or different, related challenges.
- "Government" stakeholders - government agency staff who understand state and local policies that affect ambulance and non emergency transportation
- "Workforce" stakeholders - people from organizations that train EMTs and Paramedics who work in ambulance transport.
- "Advocate" stakeholders - Ride Connection analysts were unsuccessful in finding advocacy organizations, or self advocates, that could talk about their experience of delayed or unavailable ambulance rides among the eight organizations we contacted.
This summary shares how many teams brought up an issue out of the total who were asked a specific question about it. The summary focuses in on five of the question areas from the interviews. It also includes feedback from survey responses gathered in the first version of this story map. We heard from thirteen of the original 44 participants; a 29% response rate. We requested that Ride Connection staff not fill out the survey to ensure results were focused on input from colleagues. Ride Connection analysts conducted interviews alongside ongoing ambulance trip data analysis, and a literature scan of strategies used to address ambulance delays in the emergency and non-emergency medical transportation fields, to delve into the issue. This story map includes some related findings from those efforts as well. If you have questions or see glaring errors, please contact tho@rideconnection.org.
Data Limitations
This exploration involved talking to people with expertise about NEMT and ambulance service. The data is limited from potential missing information as analysts did not speak to all representatives of all actors in the Ride to Care program's transportation network and related health care facilities. Nonetheless, the information provides a more complete and whole picture of what is happening in NEMT ambulance service than the analyst team, or colleagues at Ride Connection, had prior to the exploration. There may have been misunderstandings or misinterpretations by analysts when interpreting what people said, or among interview participants themselves. Interviewed stakeholders may have prioritized some topics differently than the analysts. The interview data included areas of "information drift" where discussion of one topic unintentionally shifted to another. For example people talking about ambulances but meaning stretcher cars, or talking about Medicaid coverage but meaning Medicare, and so on. Ride Connection analysts recommend pairing this content with additional sources as part of decision making in this field.
Who, what, where in Ride to Care
Ride to Care is a benefit program that provides non-emergency ambulance service as part of the Medicaid NEMT benefit through the Oregon Health Plan. The Oregon Health Authority receives Medicaid funds, combined with state dollars, to provide medical coverage for individuals who qualify for the Oregon Health Plan, including transport to that care. Medicaid recipients can be low income individuals, children and teens under 19, seniors at or above 65 years of age, or those with disability status. These populations can be considered economically disadvantaged, and they may face systemic inequities in transportation access and other health supports that can lead to negative health effects for these populations (see for example the analysis by MACPAC, 2021 ). For many years the Ride to Care program, and the Portland tri-county region, has encountered limited ambulance capacity, prompting Health Share of Oregon, CareOregon, and Ride Connection to invest in solutions. The Ride to Care program's service area are members of Health Share of Oregon who live in one of the three counties in the tri-county region. However, patients may still be enrolled in Health Share of Oregon when they move to a neighboring county and continue to receive care from the same coordinated care organization (CCO), and therefore NEMT rides from the Ride to Care program. These are called "out of service area" rides. The map below reveals Ride to Care program non-emergency Basic Life Support ambulance trips from 2022 as displayed in a commissioned report by the Cambridge Consulting Group (2024). All dots outside of the tri-county region, for example those in Salem, Silverton, McMinnville, Newberg,Woodburn, or Vancouver, WA, would be considered out of the service area, although they were still completed trips.
Image 1: 2022 Basic Life Support (BLS) non emergency ambulance trips in the Ride to Care program from the Cambridge Consulting Group. Each dot represent at least one BLS ride. Health Share of Oregon members who live in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties can use Ride to Care program services. Members may move to a neighboring county, or need health services there, which is why there are rides represented beyond the tri-county region in this map.
Regulations that Shape Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation
Non emergency ambulance providers must follow multiple levels of policy at the federal, state, and local levels in order to be a licensed ambulance provider and to complete non-emergency ambulance rides. The local policies can also vary from county to county. The table below provides context on intersecting regulations that affect non-emergency ambulance rides provided in the Ride to Care program because we asked stakeholders to share if any of these were related to ambulance capacity challenges. See the Interview Findings report for more in-depth description of each policy's language specific to NEMT ambulance service.
Medicaid (Federal) | Oregon Health Authority (State) - Health Systems Division | Oregon Health Authority (State)- Oregon Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program | County Ambulance Service Area Plans and Related Policies |
The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) is Oregon's Medicaid program administered by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). Non-emergency medical transportation is a benefit for members who are eligible. | The Health Systems Division works with state partners "to build and advance a system of care to create a healthy Oregon" ( see their site here ). This Division includes the Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid), Coordinated Care Operations, Medicaid Policy and many other sections that support OHP members. | The Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program "develops and regulates systems for quality emergency medical care in Oregon" ( see their site here ). They ensure EMS Providers are fully trained, that emergency medical vehicles are properly equipped, and emergency medical systems are functioning efficiently and effectively. | County and City governments can add further policies, beyond those of the state, to govern ambulance provision (see OAR 333-250-0200) . While counties are focused on emergency ambulance medical service in their Ambulance Service Area Plans, non-emergency service is also included. |
Federal regulations detail what emergency and non-emergency rides are covered to support Medicaid beneficiaries having transportation access to their medical appointments. See for example regulations Title 42,Chapter IV, Sub chapter C Medical Assistance Programs. All ambulance providers must be licensed in the state to receive Medicaid payments for their services. | Fee for Service brokerages - provides rides to OHP members who do not yet have a managed care plan with a CCO. Example rules providers follow: OAR 410-136-3000 - 410-136-3360 . Coordinated Care Organization brokerages provide rides to OHP members in their service area. There are sixteen in Oregon. Example rules providers follow: OAR 410-141-3920- 410-141-3965 | Example rules for understanding how NEMT ambulance services are affected by EMS rules include OAR Chapter 333 Division 200 Emergency Medical Services and Systems, Division 250 Ambulance Service Licensing, Division 255 Ambulance Vehicle Licensing, and Division 260 for County Ambulance Service Plans, e.g. OAR 333-250-0200 333-255-0060 and 333-260-0000 . | Clackamas County - see Chapter 10.01 of their Title 10 on Franchises for information about their Ambulance Service Plan . Multnomah County - see Ordinances 1238, of Multnomah County Code (MCC) Chapter 21 MCC 21.400 their EMS Administrative Rules and FAQs . Washington County - see Washington County Code 8.32 : Emergency Medical & Transportation Services Ordinance, Administrative Rules, Ambulance Service Area Plan and the EMS Strategic Plan 2022-2024. |
Table 1 of Ride to Care program non-emergency ambulance regulation context. Note that neighboring county policies may also affect Ride to Care program ambulance providers based on their providing services under multiple contracts for multiple brokerages.
Barriers: Capacity and On Time
Ride Connection analysts identified a number of barriers affecting both emergency and non-emergency ambulance service capacity across the country through conducting a literature scan of interventions to address late and unavailable ambulances. The literature in the scan included news reports, academic literature, and organizational research. Regional differences could make barriers in another state less of an issue in Oregon. Analysts selected a sub-set of areas that came up frequently in the literature as a starting point and put them in a concept map, shown on the left side of slider 1 below. There were many more areas analysts identified in the literature scan, however few of them seemed to be something the Ride to Care program partners could specifically influence, such as inflation or pandemic-related workforce burnout.
Analysts asked stakeholders to share what they agreed or disagreed with, what needed clarifying, and what was missing in the diagram in terms of what was specifically affecting the Ride to Care program's ambulance capacity. Analysts also asked representatives from two NEMT transportation networks in other parts of the state about what was affecting ambulance capacity in their brokerage. Other brokerages send patients to the tri-county region for care and may have intersecting challenges. Additionally, analysts asked a separate, related question about barriers to on-time ambulance rides to see where there was overlap and unique challenges with delays. The right side of slider 1 indicates the changes analysts made to the diagram based on interview feedback.
Slider 1 - Move the arrow back and forth to see changes analysts made based on interview input. The diagram on the left is the first draft version. The diagram on the right shows clarifications and new areas analysts added after stakeholders identified gaps in the first version.
Most stakeholders (15 of 20 interviewed teams) agreed that Ride to Care program ambulance capacity is affected by a limited number of ambulance providers and ambulances vehicles, as well as needing more qualified people to staff them. Ambulance service on the emergency medical side has been suffering from a paramedic shortage that is regularly featured in the news, and appears to be a nationwide issue (see for example the NAEMT 2023 National Survey ). Echoing capacity challenges, eight of thirteen interviewed teams described a limited number of ambulance providers, a limited number of vehicles with specialized equipment, and not enough vehicle drivers as contributing to ambulance trip delays. Three teams brought up that there are not enough bariatric ambulance vehicles specifically. Bariatric is a term to describe medical care for people experiencing obesity. Bariatric ambulance vehicles include a gurney that can hold over 700 lbs and body width beyond a 36 inch wheelchair, as well as other necessary equipment to transfer members in and out of the vehicle, and a higher level of staffing.
Of the fourteen teams who spoke about ambulance delays, eight felt that limited capacity in the region contributes to ambulance trip delays, even in the Ride to Care program. There were also mixed views about elements of the diagram, including whether or not the Ride to Care program's transportation provider network is facing actual ambulance capacity limits and how policy affects ambulance capacity, as the quotes below indicate.
“there are a lot more patients than providers and not enough staff to do all the calls.”
“The biggest barrier is the demand is greater than the supply... the obvious areas are #'s of paramedics, EMTs in the community and that limits the number of staffed ambulances.”
“I am not sure the policy elements create limited staffing; we think a lot of this is bunched ride requests between 2 and 4pm, if we spread them out we might have enough rigs.” "
"State policy is clear, it's not confusing."
Below is an outlined summary of the main areas people described being in agreement with in the diagram above shown in slider 1. Participants described clarifications in their discussions.
Policy– Eleven of twenty teams brought up that policy confusion adds either effort or costs that affect ambulance capacity for providers. Beyond this, there were specific areas of policy that emerged.
- State policy - Four of twenty teams specifically named fee for service vs brokerage rules in NEMT as confusing. In Oregon, there are two primary types of NEMT transportation networks. Fee for service network (FFS), also called "open card" brokerages are those that are in contract directly with the Oregon Health Authority when Oregon Health Plan members are not yet connected to a CCO. Coordinated care organizations also contract with transportation network brokerages to complete NEMT. The Ride to Care program is a unique structure where the CCO, Health Share of Oregon, delegated management and provision of NEMT to CareOregon. CareOregon deviated from the traditional and historical structure of a single brokerage entity responsible for managing NEMT medicaid benefit programs. CareOregon contracted with Ride Connection, ComTrans, and Transdev, to form a collaborative framework that prioritized partnership and operational expertise. Ride Connection is contracted for transportation network management and administration of member reimbursement and public transit fare distribution. The two additional partners, ComTrans and Transdev, are contracted with CareOregon to provide dispatch, scheduling (same day and future) of all types of NEMT services and rides. CareOregon retains oversight of the Ride to Care program related to Health Share of Oregon's Medicaid and Oregon Health Plan regulatory obligations. All four partner entities collaborate to share decision making on NEMT benefit services and operations beyond each partner's contracted role. Ambulance providers who work with the Ride to Care program may also have contracts with other brokerages, with hospitals, and other organizations that need ambulance service. These providers have to keep track of which regulations they follow for which transport, in which areas, as part of their overall service and business model, as described below.
As a provider we have different requirements in each brokerage. So that's difficult to be available to the whole community. Each program triages within itself differently. Hospice it's time limited. Skilled nursing facility it's time sensitive - these should be prioritized not based on brokerage or open card process, it creates inefficiencies, lack of capacity, artificial scarcity because of lack of efficiency. Basically (brokerages are) competing for the same resource. It's an understandable and counterproductive way to address the problem."
The next quote illustrates how state policy, this time on the EMS ambulance licensing side, can intersect with county policies leading to confusion.
“The other thing that can be confusing is that OHA pushes the authority down to each county on ambulance service. It depends on how each county chooses to regulate ambulance service, whether assign to each fire agency and they have control of their own area, or one large ambulance service area, it varies by county. If they decide to fold NEMT into that or even interfacility transfers through a single provider contract [exclusivity], or if it's an open market, it depends on each county.”
- County policy – Ten of twenty interviewed teams brought up county-level policies, with specific confusion on two sub-areas. Note that in Oregon, the ambulance provider must follow the county rules of where the ride originates instead of where the ride ends or the various counties a provider travels through before arriving at their destination. Counties may update their ambulance rules every five years, so a provider also has to keep track of new changes.
- Stretcher cars - Stretcher cars are vehicles that can transport a client in a prone or supine position without medical personnel (Emergency Medical Responder [EMR], Emergency Medical Technician [EMT], Paramedic, etc.) providing medical care or observation. Some counties in Oregon allow stretcher car use for transporting patients in NEMT. Some counties restrict stretcher car use and other counties prohibit their use completely. Teams brought up that in counties where stretcher cars are prohibited, providers are required to provide an ambulance and therefore a higher level of medical care than in a county where stretcher cars are allowed. Some participants expressed that ambulance services should be reserved for those who absolutely need them because they are a limited resource. The perspective is that when a person is lacking the capacity to sit up and otherwise does not need medical monitoring or intervention, they are better served by a stretcher car.
- Exclusive, or closed, Ambulance Service Areas -In neighboring counties to the tri-county region, closed ambulance service areas (ASAs) emerged as a potential second county-level policy barrier to ambulance capacity. An ASA is a geographic area that a county designates as being served by one or more ambulance providers as part of an Ambulance Service Area Plan (ASA Plan). An ASA Plan is required by the state for establishing a county-level emergency medical services system (see OAR 333-260 and OHA FAQ ). Sometimes counties give an EMS provider the first right of refusal, or an exclusive contract, to provide both emergency and non-emergency transportation inside the ASA (such as Marion County ). In these counties, other ambulance providers cannot provide those rides. Some counties don't choose to regulate non-emergency ambulance provision beyond the trips the EMS provider is given access to in an ASA franchise agreement (for example Yamhill county ). In a county using a right of first refusal, an NEMT provider who is not assigned an ASA has to ask the EMS provider if they can provide the non-emergency ride. Contracted EMS providers have to prioritize their 911 contractual obligations first, before they can address NEMT rides.
“A lot of rides could go by a stretcher [car] because it is not an emergency. It's a ride for no core strength or whatever... But they are required to follow the same guidelines as if it were scheduled as an [emergency] ambulance ride. They don't need two staffers/paramedics, they don't need the BLS or ALS services which would need the staffing. Some folks just need to go to a care facility, they can't sit up for that long and could go by a stretcher [car], but we can't take them that way - we have to schedule it as an ambulance.”
- City policy – Three of twenty teams brought up that City of Portland licensing requirements of stretcher cars, wheelchairs, and/or driving age for drivers of NEMT vehicles as affecting ambulance capacity because some providers do all 3 types of modes. Efforts in one service area may affect efforts in another within one vendor.
- Ambulance & Workforce Capacity - Ten of twenty stakeholder teams agreed that Ride to Care's transportation network needs a bigger workforce and more ambulances. A few stakeholders disagreed either because they weren't sure if it was staffing related or because they felt Ride to Care was fine and it's the region that's experiencing the challenge.
“I don’t believe that in the Ride to Care network the lack of capacity is there currently. The larger system yes, but not in Ride to Care, not as much...."
- Communication challenges – Nine of twenty stakeholder teams confirmed that manual data entry in trip tracking software can lead to inadequate communication or miscommunication. Teams also brought up related miscommunication elements such as broad ETAs or lack of communication about changes of plans related to unavailable ambulances.
“Don't know how many staff members are needed. For Ride to Care, at most if we had 3 full running ambulances every day, they wouldn't stay active all day. Medicare is the biggest provider, the largest population for ambulance transportation. A lot of it is that they are elderly and cannot go by other means....A year ago staffed up when thought we had limited capacity, wasn't until put [communication method] out, that we can see that it's related to a change of process. It's not about more rigs or staffing, it's about the process shift with visible data and communication and then behavior."
Stakeholders also shared that there were two areas missing from the diagram, describe next. The first one analysts recognized as an issue but didn't think it was an area the Ride to Care program partners could influence, and the other may be unique to Oregon and the region's medical infrastructure context.
- Financial Limitations: Regulation-related service costs - Eleven of twenty interviewed teams shared that the diagram's biggest gap is that reimbursement for ambulance rides has been, and continues to be, inadequate. Stakeholders emphasized that Medicaid and other payers have not covered the costs of ambulance services in the past, contributing to the low number of NEMT ambulance providers in the region and in the Ride to Care program. Both hospitals and ambulance providers face difficult choices of providing services that may not be compensated by various health insurance payers. The region’s medical facilities, hospitals, clinics, and brokerages are also competing for a set of limited ambulance providers.
“The reimbursement part - why should people operate at a loss to provide a service? (names companies) all face similar challenges and backed off of this work. It’s because it's really hard. From a provider standpoint - they are in a for profit model, there's also union forces, people need a living wage, and the reimbursements have not kept up for the cost of doing business.”
Low Medicaid reimbursement is part of a larger issue of insufficient funding generally of public services that the recent COVID pandemic made more visible (see TFAH 2022 , Weber et al., 2020 ; Orr et al.,2023 ). The EMS literature highlights this when considering the inadequate funding of emergency medical services. For example, a 2023 survey of Medicaid reimbursement rates from the American Ambulance Association revealed that the average Medicaid base-rate reimbursement for an emergency advanced life support (ALSE) response is $232.72, which is 9.9% of the average cost of service and 43.7% below the Medicare Fee Schedule ( NAEMT, 2023 ). One provider analysts interviewed shared that most of the people they serve are on Medicare, which may be why Medicaid rates are compared to Medicare rates. State Medicaid programs have different levels of reimbursement because each state program is administered differently.
Bunched Discharges - Six out of twenty interviewed teams also explained that a factor that affects ambulance capacity is the demand mismatch with supply. Among the fourteen teams that were also asked about barriers to on-time ambulances, five felt that peak hours where the region's and hospitals simultaneously discharge patients contributes to late ambulances. One team described this situation as creating temporary ambulance scarcity and a need for "controlled capacity." Stakeholders gave a range of times that they view as the "peak" time where many discharges happen simultaneously: 1pm, 11 am to 2pm, 2pm to 4pm and 11am to 5 pm.
“If there is the (ambulance) availability, all hospital systems and clinics are fighting for the afternoon discharges, 11-2 is prime time".
Stakeholder perspectives on bunched discharges in the middle of the day matches data analysis of Basic Life Support (BLS) ambulance trips from Ride to Care's 2022 trip data. In image 2 below consultants found that for 2022 the Ride to Care program would have needed between two and three dedicated ambulance units for these specific trips to meet demand. Ride to Care currently has three dedicated units which were hired in the fall of 2023 based in part on this data analysis. What isn't taken into account by the heat map is that the four ambulance transportation providers serving the Ride to Care program have other contracts and are meeting regional need at the same time that they are addressing the Ride to Care program's trip demand. While the three dedicated ambulance units can address some of the demand for the Ride to Care program among the four providers currently serving the network, there may be additional rides during the peak hours that would require even more units than were encompassed by the 2022 analysis. Ride to Care partners do not have data on the entire region's NEMT demand to have a better sense of how many ambulances would be needed to address regional ambulance capacity.
Image 2: Heat map based on Ride to Care BLS data from 2022 as analyzed by Cambridge Consulting Group. The darker orange to red tones indicate what time of day ambulance rides had the most volume that year. Note that there are fluctuations and this data may have been incomplete based on changes in protocols about how rides were recorded in the Ride to Care program's trip tracking software.
This situation may be unique to the region and state. There are only 65 licensed hospitals in all of Oregon. Thirty-seven of them have a general acute care license where unless they receive a waiver they are required to provide emergency, maternity, and surgical services (see OHA information under "Fiscal and Economic Impact" of OAR Proposed Rules ). Oregon is ranked nearly last in the nation, 49th, for the per capita number of acute care beds with only 1.66 hospital beds for every 1,000 people ( Templeton, 2024 and Health Forum, LLC, 2022 ). If patient need increases for acute care then more people have to be served without additional bed capacity. This means that hospitals face volume pressure to both provide care and to discharge people when they are medically ready. Three of twenty interviewed teams brought up limited acute care bed resources as a component of limited ambulance capacity.
“The next critically ill patient who needs an acute care bed cannot be admitted until someone else is discharged, releasing that bed, they are affected and this isn’t in the current diagram."
“Your (NEMT) work is extremely important - if you are not emptying the emergency rooms, then it creates a real issue for wall time where emergency calls then can't fill those beds. It's gotten worse over time. "
"... It’s a revolving door and it needs to be to provide everyone the best possible care.... those [waiting] patients cannot get admitted if [discharged] patients cannot leave. "
Patient readiness and broad estimated times of arrival - Coordination of patient readiness at pick up and drop off affects ambulance timeliness. Ambulance timeliness also affects how hospitals plan to ready patients to arrive or depart. When communication falters on either end, both may contribute to ambulance delays.
“Hospitals say we have a ready now discharge based on their experience from years prior, then we get there in 15 minutes and then they aren't ready for another hour.”
“Limited availability of some transportation providers means very large ETAs. It's hard as a nurse if you give us a large window of 5 hours then we can't get the patient ready.”
Five of fourteen teams who spoke to barriers to on time ambulance rides brought up that communication about payer coverage, miscommunication about the necessary level of care, and missed notes on needed equipment can result in delays. If hospitals don't receive updates on trip delay notifications or case managers don't communicate further in advance, both can result in ambulance delays. Image 3 below walks through a cycle of how communication on either patient readiness end or transportation provider broad estimated time of arrival end can feed into each other.
Image 3: Cycle of how a broad ETA makes planning patient readiness challenge and a patient not being ready can then result in delays for future ambulance rides.
Ambulance NEMT Workforce Barriers
Analysts spoke with two representatives from schools that train EMTs and Paramedics as part of understanding why there is a lack of adequate staffing for ambulances - whether that's for the emergency or non-emergency medical services. Participants gave a range of reasons. We provide the two areas that they emerged in both interviews. Both teams agreed that ensuring students gain necessary clinical practice is a limitation because hospitals (which Oregon does not have many of) do not have capacity.
“The # 1 hurdle is to get them through all their requirements to get them into the job force...Clinical partners not providing shifts for state or federal medical training. EMS crying for help, but then this inhibits us from taking our students for training....We have made clinical partnerships outside the I5 corridor, have some money to cover transportation, but then have to go to a rural area for training.”
A second challenge, affecting retention, are workforce environment conditions. For EMTs and Paramedics in NEMT, people want to use and maintain a skillset they were trained in and they may not stay in an position where they don't use their skills. One interview participant mentioned this can be a challenge when hospitals hire EMTs to fill the role of medical assistants - the training and investment is different and the skillsets do not match.
“Not using the whole skill set, pay and potential working hours are dissatisfiers. They are trained as an EMT, and then put into a situation [in NEMT] where they don't use whole scope of practice, that’s a disadvantage for the career pathway. They learn to provide ventilation and drugs, and it becomes really limited to stretcher and wheelchair, and then they don't use a lot of these skills. They went to school and paid $3k and if they are not getting a lot of practice, that’s job dissatisfaction. And the hours in general. Mid hours through the night...”
Additional environment conditions include low pay, burnout, exposure to trauma, low company investment, work hours being a mismatch with the life people want to have (e.g. "bad" hours), and an expectation that these are short-term positions.
"[Companies] hire with low wages because know they [EMT's] won't stay, which then contributes to the turnover. And burnout is so high. They need to get paid more.”
Most Impacted
In addition to the already vulnerable population the Ride to Care program serves, there is a sub population of individuals whom experience the negative impacts of this ambulance issue more acutely. Below are the main groupings of factors listed in order of most frequent mentioned by stakeholders. The first two were named by seven of sixteen interviewed teams and areas three through five were named by three to four teams each. The last two reasons were named by one team each.
- People with specialized needs, or who need special skill medical services such as people who need a bariatric ambulance, the use of chair stairs, people who are on ventilators, children who are moved in special equipment such as those involved in neonatal intensive care units (NICU).
- People with time sensitive appointments such as surgery, checking into a skilled nursing facility, returning home from hospice.
- People who live in rural areas or are out of the Ride to Care program's service area
- Anyone needing an acute care bed
- People who experience social isolation
- Additional reasons included people who have multiple payers or who need care management advocacy because they face multiple determinant of health barriers.
"The ones most impacted are those who are most isolated. The discharges home, the hospice discharge home. You have a window and have an intake and if you don't make it, you've missed that opportunity."
"They are all affected in some way. If a patient is going to an appointment and then cannot make follow up appointments. Hospice folks who cannot make it home and end up passing at the hospital. Bariatric patients who get stuck in the hospital - they rely on one specific vendor. Long distance rides. The Skilled Nursing Facility not accepting that day because no one [is there] to do the assessment. This is the most vulnerable population with a lot of Social Determinants of Health issues, transportation is another hit on them. It's everyone."
"Impact on bariatric clients. A 'true' bariatric is like 500+ lbs, if a patient is above 400 lbs, most can do an extra wide wheelchair; stretcher units can accommodate up to 700 lbs. I know the vendor that has the bariatric rig, they have to use that unit for 911 calls. But for the most part most patients aren't over 500 lbs... it's a small percentage of the population. It may be occurring a higher percentage of the time. Maybe we only do 5 bariatric requests in a month. If we only do one bariatric patient a month, and that patient always has to wait, because they are at the mercy of the vendor to pick them up. It will delay a discharge. There was a patient was going to Salem, we kept them an extra 3 days, because they (the ambulance provider) could not get to this patient."
Current Actions
Analysts asked all twenty two teams what efforts are already underway to address ambulance capacity challenges, including workforce development, in the region, or in the Ride to Care program. It was apparent in responses that people care deeply about this challenge and most are engaged in efforts to address a component of ambulance capacity they could directly influence. Below are the most frequently mentioned categories of efforts. See the full report for more detail.
Resource adjustments - Eight teams described organizations making resource adjustments. Five teams described expanding resources to support more ambulance capacity. For example, purchasing or needing to purchase more ambulances, acquiring specialty equipment such as a ventilator, investing in communication and staff for coordinating NEMT or seeking more ambulance vendors to bring to the region. Ride Connection had already brought on two dedicated ambulance units as well as worked with Ride to Care program partners to develop and implement different communication methods while analysts were completing interviews. Seven teams described hospitals or brokerages hiring dedicated ambulance vehicles for their specific use. While hiring dedicated ambulances supports the specific hospital or brokerage using them, it may lower regional capacity.
"The approaches are how each hospital group inoculated themselves against lack of capacity. It's easier for them to have an ambulance sitting there for disposal, and necessary because they couldn't get an answer when someone is discharged. By taking the middle agency broker out, no review of what is happening. The ambulance cannot do any other rides except for the hospital.... Now that some made changes like hourly vehicles.... these dedicated units across the region for regular transportation in NEMT, now dedicated to hospitals in case something happens... It creates an artificial shortage.... Ambulance companies were worried about getting paid, history here of not getting paid. A dedicated contract with an ambulance unit means control over payment. The system is better now.”
Increased Communication, Collaboration and Planning - Seven teams brought up different approaches to address ambulance delays. Examples include increased communication for aligning scheduling and timing of trips, internal process planning, collaboration among different agency teams to improve both NEMT efforts and EMS efforts related to efficiencies.
Proposed or Completed Policy Changes - Ten of twenty-two teams described advocating for, or already making policy changes to address limited ambulance capacity or workforce development. Government agency staff spoke about policies that affect both the EMS and NEMT sides such as state regulations to support more paramedics see 333-265-0027 and OHA FAQ.
Programs - Seven teams described workforce development programs, usually led by ambulance provider companies. Three teams brought forward pilot programs or testing out new procedures.
An overarching theme that emerged across interviews is that no one organization knows, or can change, ambulance capacity alone. One stakeholder described Non-Emergency Medical Transportation as a specialized sector between two major disparate commercial (e.g. for profit) and public (e.g. not for profit / publicly funded) sectors. Beyond these two sectors, non-emergency ambulance provision has less transparency because it is adding in the impact of policy focused on an emergency response system applied to non-emergency scenarios (see Ho and Cicolani, 2024). Shifts in the system will require multiple efforts over time by multiple actors. It was also apparent that the emergency medical service is interconnected with the non-emergency medical ambulance service and they influence each other, as the image below reveals. Communicating and sharing information will benefit both sides.
Image of intersection between NEMT and EMS through ambulance service.
The following set of short term and long term recommendations are based on interview findings, an initial literature scan of interventions to address ambulance capacity, and recommendations from a commissioned analysis of Ride to Care's 2022 ambulance data. The lists are not exhaustive. In this version of the story map we've included additional columns to indicate results from survey responses that provided feedback on the April 30th working draft version of this story map. Out of the forty-four interviewed participants, thirteen filled out the survey (29% response rate). The thirteen respondents included representation from all four ambulance providers in the Ride to Care program, three hospital system staff members, one educational facility representative, one public agency staff member, one neighboring brokerage representative, and from Ride to Care program decision making partners other than Ride Connection (we requested that Ride Connection staff and leadership *not* fill out the survey), see Ho and Cicolani, 2024.
In the table below, the fourth column includes survey responses to the question “Imagine we could only do four of the proposed short-term strategies. Please choose which four you think would best address the multiple limits on ambulance capacity described in interviews with stakeholders.” See the source interview findings document for more information.
Short Term Strategies (~3 years)
Resource Adjustments (Short Term) | Pros | Cons | Top four |
1. Hire additional dedicated ambulances for Ride to Care (there are already 3) | Immediate R2C program capacity | Reduced regional capacity | 10 votes; 77% |
2. Hire provider - to complete calls others have limited capacity for e.g. out of area, ready now same day, bariatric, etc. | Immediate R2C program capacity | Reduced regional capacity | 7 votes; 54% |
3. Fleet expansion - Ride Connection purchase BLS and bariatric rigs for rent or lease | Immediate R2C program capacity | Unclear if providers would want to use the vehicles | 7 votes; 54% |
Table 3: Short Term (~3 years) strategies focused on ambulance resource adjustments in Ride to Care.
The first set of short term strategies involves continuing efforts Ride Connection has been taking by hiring additional direct service for the network from the four existing ambulance service providers. Whether that's a competitive bid for additional units, a contract with a provider to focus in on trips that other providers are having challenges addressing such as out of area, trips that are for the same day called "ready now" which is to arrive as soon as possible for pick up, or bariatric trips. A third idea would be for Ride Connection to purchase additional ambulances that could be leased to the network, assuming that providers had sufficient staff to fill them. The first two strategies would potentially reduce regional capacity because all providers are working for multiple brokerages and contracts. The third strategy is uncertain because analysts don't know if the existing vendors would feel comfortable leasing a vehicle for NEMT ambulance service.
New Efforts (Short Term) | Pros | Cons | Top Four |
4. New organization - Ride Connection launch non-profit ambulance organization to supplement capacity | Increases R2C program and possibly regional capacity. | Potential financial challenges to sustain; potential competition with existing providers | 4 votes; 31% |
5. New initiative - Ride to Care partners develop collaborative community paramedicine program | Increases R2C program and possibly regional capacity for non-clinic/hospital visits | Could be considered scope creep; would not address the needs of people who have to be seen in the clinic or hospital. | 7 votes; 54% |
Table 4: Short Term (~3 year) new efforts that support both expanded capacity for Ride to Care and potentially the region.
The second set of short term strategies in table 4 involve larger scale efforts that could address both ambulance capacity within Ride to Care and the region. The first one would be for Ride Connection in its role as network manager to launch a non-profit ambulance organization to increase capacity in the region. Based on a commissioned report, Cambridge Consulting group considered this potentially not financially sustainable. Stakeholders noted that one of the challenges is managing bunched hospital discharges that occur in the middle of the day. One interviewed transportation provider explained that the challenge of bunched discharges needs more communication support, more staffed vehicles may not adequately address it. The fifth short term strategy originates in the EMS literature where community paramedicine programs have supported efficiency in use of ambulance and related emergency medical services. Analysts would need a better understanding of Ride to Care's existing ambulance service clientele to determine what proportion of patient's care needs would have been addressed by a home visit, instead of a trip to a health care facility. NEMT is in the business of non-emergency medical transportation, not medical care, so this may be considered beyond the scope of Ride to Care's current efforts.
Communication & Planning (Short Term) | Pros | Cons | Top Four |
6. Technological strategies - expand existing portal or other solutions for live updates on ETAs and planning of discharges | Addresses delays from inadequate communication | Manages existing capacity, does not increase physical ambulance capacity | 11 votes; 85% |
7. Live chat - Ride to Care partners create hospital specific chat thread with each hospital system (there are already a few in place) | Addresses delays from inadequate communication | Manages existing capacity, does not increase physical ambulance capacity | 7 votes; 54% |
Table 5: Short term strategies that Ride to Care or Ride Connection could take to address capacity in the next three years.
Two short term communication strategies that could address bunched discharges are presented in table 5. The first is a broad category as stakeholders shared various methods that teams are already working to address this from a hospital or ambulance provider perspective. Ride Connection partners have been working on communication strategies already to improve real time updates for hospitals. Both strategies would support managing existing capacity, neither would added physical new staffed ambulances to the network or region.
In the follow up survey we also asked people to rank the short term strategies based on which ones we should do first. The next table displays the strategies in order of where the averaged rankings. The three most immediate efforts include technological communication strategies, dedicated ambulance service contracts during peak hours, and expanding live chat threads with more hospitals for improved communication and trip planning. Ride to Care partners have been working on these strategies already in 2023 and will continue to expand on these efforts.
Strategies | Average Score | |
1 | Technological strategies - expand existing portal or other solutions for live updates on ETAs and planning of discharges | 5.15 |
2 | Hire additional dedicated ambulances for Ride to Care (there are already 3) | 5 |
3 | Live chat - Ride to Care partners create hospital specific chat thread with each hospital system (there are already a few in place) | 4.69 |
4 | Hire provider - to complete calls others have limited capacity for e.g. out of area, ready now same day, bariatric, etc. | 4 |
5 | Fleet expansion - Ride Connection purchase BLS and bariatric rigs for rent or lease | 3.46 |
6 | New initiative - Ride to Care partners develop collaborative community paramedicine program | 3.38 |
7 | New organization - Ride Connection launch non-profit ambulance organization to supplement capacity | 2.31 |
Table 6. Short term strategies survey respondents ranked by immediacy. This table includes results to this question: “Next, imagine we could do all of them. Please rank them in order of which ones you think we should do sooner (this year) to ones that we could get to later (next two years) to best address this set of challenges brought up in interviews... “(list of challenges clipped for summary).
Long Term Strategies (More than three years)
A handful of issues are beyond the Ride to Care program partner's direct level of decision making because they involved regulations. If these are pursued the efforts would need to come from a coalition of actors collaborating together. Table 6 describes policy advocacy, table 7 covers related research and table 8 involves supporting collaborative work as well as workforce development in the region.
Policy Advocacy Through a Coalition (Long Term 3+ years) | Pros | Cons | Top Four |
1. Change OHP/Medicaid formula on ambulance reimbursement | Could address challenges with reimbursement | Formula changes involve cuts to other benefits; uncertain feasibility without federal changes | 10 votes; 77% |
2. Funding EMS as an essential service | Could address ambulance capacity from nexus with EMS | Indirect to NEMT, may not impact Ride to Care program ambulance capacity much | 7 votes; 54% |
3. Address challenges with exclusive county ambulance provider contracts re: NEMT and ASA Plans | Would address delays or unavailable ambulances from 911 priorities | Unclear how this would affect EMS providers | 7 votes; 54% |
4. Consistency among CCO and Fee for Service brokerages | Clarifications and efficiencies for providers | Might reduce CCO tailored efforts for communities | 9 votes; 69% |
Table 6 Long term policy strategies that Ride to Care partners and other collaborators could take action on that would take more than three years to implement.
The first long term policy strategy in table 6 is focused on understanding the feasibility of Oregon revising its Medicaid reimbursement formula to increase ambulance rates for rides. Because Medicaid covers many different services beyond transportation to that health care, it's unclear how changes in the formula for a finite set of funds would affect other programming. It would be important to not negatively affect OHP member health further than ambulance delays potentially do. The second strategy is focused on increased funding for Emergency Medical Services in Oregon as part of being an essential service. While this indirectly affects NEMT, this exploration made it clear that NEMT and EMS are linked in multiple ways and capacity on one can affect the other. Policy strategy three is focused around understanding how to best support EMS providers in each county through exclusive contracts without creating a barrier to NEMT ambulance provision. The fourth policy strategy in table is related to reducing confusion transportation providers shared about variations across fee for service and CCO brokerages in how the state administers the OHP NEMT benefit.
Research | Pros | Cons | Top Four |
5. Investigate impact of stretcher car use in NEMT across brokerages in relation to health outcomes | Have information to ground decision making | Funding and staff limits | 4 votes; 31% |
6. Investigate feasibility of separating NEMT ambulance licensing within statute | Licensing ambulances for a provider in NEMT, instead of 911 EMS provider | Resource & time investment | 5 votes; 38% |
Table 7 Long term research strategies that Ride to Care partners and other collaborators could take action on that would take more than three years to implement
Table 7 suggests researching how providing NEMT through the use of stretcher cars in counties across the state is related to health outcomes versus using ambulance trips in counties that require them for similar health conditions and circumstances. This would require access to data sets that are beyond Ride to Care's purview. Related to this is looking at how ambulances are required to be licensed as though they are all going to perform emergency medical services, rather than NEMT services. It's not clear if other states in the nation all apply the same EMS protocols to NEMT or if there are ways to support NEMT ambulances while maintaining adequate medical care during transport.
Collaboration | Pros | Cons | Top Four |
7. State/County agency collaboration to clarify when stretcher cars, without attendants, are appropriate for use in NEMT | Expand capacity by reserving ambulances for medical necessity | Need data about NEMT stretcher car use & health outcomes | 4 votes; 31% |
8. Seek workforce development grant or initiative to increase paramedic / EMT workforce capacity for the region | Increase ambulance workforce | No guarantee that people want to work in NEMT; does not address hospital or clinic workforce shortage | 7 votes; 54% |
Table 8 Long term collaboration strategies that Ride to Care partners and other collaborators could take action on that would take more than three years to implement
Table eight focuses on two different collaborative strategies. Strategy seven is around requests of agency staff at the state and county levels to revisit stretcher car use from the perspective of limited ambulance capacity. It may be that policies do not need changing, their interpretation needs further guidance. Strategy eight would build on existing transportation provider efforts to increase EMTs and Paramedics in the region through a collaborative grant or other initiative.
When asked to rank the long term strategies for the ones people would be most willing to work on in a coalition, the results were similar as how the priorities emerged in the tables above. The two areas are Medicaid/OHP ambulance reimbursement funding and better alignment between CCO and FFS rules for ambulance service. The next two are workforce development and better funding for the EMS system. The grouping of strategies related to investigating how stretcher car use may be related to better, or worse, health outcomes as compared to ambulance service participants were third, see the table below.
Strategies | Rank by Personal Investment | |
1 | State Advocacy: Ask for consistency among CCO and Fee for Service brokerages in how ambulance services are covered | 5.77 |
2 | State Funding: Request change in Oregon’s OHP/Medicaid formula to increase reimbursement for NEMT ambulance trips | 5.62 |
3 | Seek workforce development grant or other initiative to increase paramedic and EMT work force capacity for tri-county region | 4.85 |
4 | State Funding: Consider state-wide identifying Emergency Medical System as an essential service that receives funding mechanisms beyond the current ones at the state and/or local levels | 4.46 |
5 | Request OHA research impact of stretcher car use on health outcomes among OHP clients to inform advocacy around use of stretcher cars in NEMT | 3.92 |
6 | State Advocacy: Request OHA EMS review, assess, and possibly change guidance to counties on ambulance area service plans in EMS system so that NEMT ambulance providers are not encountering barriers from 911 providers with exclusive contracts | 3.85 |
7 | Advocate for a state and county agency collaborative to clarify when stretcher cars, without an attendant providing medical intervention, is appropriate in NEMT | 3.85 |
8 | Research feasibility of separating NEMT ambulance licensing within statute | 3.69 |
Table 9. Long term strategies ranked in order of respondent’s willingness to contribute to moving them forward in a coalition. The survey question was: “Please rank the long-term strategies in order of which ones YOU would be willing to contribute to in a coalition effort. This might mean informing, researching, or directly advocating. If you couldn't be involved because of your job, rank them as though you could and then let us know in the comments that you couldn't be involved.”
As described in the findings report , this set of strategies is limited to ones analysts felt most matched what came up frequently in interview findings and/or are connected to interventions that emerged in the literature scan. Many behavioral intervention strategies are not included here. Ride Connection leadership will work with Ride to Care program partners to consider the feedback shared here as part of the decision making process for next steps on short-term and long-term strategies.
Thank you for your time, attention, care and expertise.